- 01. Intro
- 02. Introduction to Networking
- 03. Introduction to Networking Part 2
- 04. Permissions in Android
- 05. Request Internet Permission
- 06. The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- 07. Read Existing Code
- 08. HTTP Request URL
- 09. URL Object
- 10. HttpURLConnection
- 11. Android System Architecture
- 12. HTTP Request Method Types
- 13. GET Request in Soonami app
- 14. Making the Connection
- 15. HTTP Response Codes
- 16. Check HTTP Response Code in Soonami App
- 17. Reading From an Input Stream
- 18. StringBuilder
- 19. StringBuilder Part 2
- 20. Exceptions
- 21. Try/Catch/Finally block
- 22. Practice with Try/Catch Statements
- 23. Log errors
- 24. Congratulations